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UV régulation

Tanning professionals are subject to the rules of Decree No. 2013-1261 of the Ministry of Health of 27/12/2013 and Article 9 of the Decree of 20/10/2014 which protects consumers.


Because you have to know that French regulations are the safest in the world.


Exposure to radiation from a tanning device can cause skin and eye cancers and is responsible for premature skin aging.

The existence of an artificial tanning regulation does not make it possible to eliminate the health risks incurred in the event of exposure, in particular the risk of cancer.

The use of these devices is prohibited at least 18 years. Wear the protective glasses provided.

Decree 2013-1261 of the Ministry of Health of 27/12/2013 and art.9 of the decree of 20/10/2014

Our tanning center SLYM & TAN by megaSun in CANNES scrupulously respect this decree whose main provisions are as follows :

  • Solariums are type 3, in accordance with the regulations.

  • The devices used are declared in prefecture.

  • UV certified staff.

  • Compliance control of solariums every two years.

  • The tubes and lamps are regularly changed and technically in accordance with the original equipment.

  • Mandatory public information regarding overexposure risks, contraindications and tanning plan.

  • Respect 48 hours minimum interval between each session.

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun and the UV machine the same day.

  • Mandatory sterilization of cabins between each use.

  • UV personal glasses required.

  • Absence of any cosmetics or perfume before a session.

  • Ban on minors.

  • Taking some medicines (antibiotics, etc ...) are not compatible with tanning cabin (risk of photo-sensitization). If in doubt ask your doctor.

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